The Day of Kings – Brioche des Rois vs Galette des Rois

The 6th of January marks the Epiphany for Christians worldwide and as France’s history is steeped in Christian culture, you will find that many present day traditions which emerged from France’s rich religious past, are still followed – at least symbolically and particularly when there is food involved. So it is for the day of kings (three kings if we want to be really specific). As you can imagine with many of France’s traditional celebrations, there is food evolved, this time in the form of the galette des rois and the brioche des rois. Chef Eric tells us a bit about the food behind this day.

galette des rois
photo: pixabay


Instead of the regular and classic Pithiviers (galettes des Rois) made with puff pastry and almond paste filling that many of you are already familiar with, we chose this year to make the Brioche des Rois.

As usual in France, the same tradition can change at the table depending on what region of the country you happen to live in. In this case, whether you are North or South.

Yes all over France we celebrate ‘’les Rois’’, but in the south especially, they serve a Brioche, flavored with orange blossom essence and topped with candied fruits….

brioche des rois
Brioche des Rois prior to baking


The tradition is the same, you invite over friends or family and…

The youngest person in the group goes under the table and decides who gets the piece of cake that has been cut.

Then everybody enjoys the cake, one of the happy guests will surely find ‘’la fève’’, (fève: because it use to be a dry bean and now the fève is a small ceramic figurine, or a coin (in gold if possible), and is justly rewarded.

The person who has the fève is the new King or Queen for the day … He or She can choose his Queen or King (we are modern after all in France) and then we coronate them.

Finally the person who got the fève has to buy or bake a new galette or brioche des Rois the following week and invite the same group of people over – what can I say we hate to see the feast end.

Sometimes you get lucky and get invited 2 or 3 times during the month of January… in February it is over – you can finally start that New Year’s resolution.

I recommend drinking a light tea with a brioche des Rois.

If you would like to make your very own delicious Brioche des Rois, you’ll want to grab my recipe below:

Brioche des Rois (King's Bread)

Brioche des Rois is a delightful French pastry with rich, buttery flavors and a festive flair. Shaped like a crown, this brioche is adorned with candied fruits and coarse sugar, making it a beautiful and delicious centerpiece for celebrating the Epiphany or any special occasion.
Servings 6 Servings


  • Mixing bowls, kitchen stand mixer with dough hook (or for kneading by hand), pastry brush, baking tray, oven, cooling rack


  • 280 Grams All-Purpose Flour 9.88 oz
  • 15 Grams Fresh Yeast 0.53 oz
  • 80 Grams Warm Milk 2.82 oz
  • 1 Large Egg
  • 120 Grams Sugar 4.23 oz
  • 2 Pinches Piches Salt
  • 90 Grams Soft Butter cut into small cubes 3.17 oz
  • Coarse Sugar for sprinkling
  • 1 Bean or Tiny Figurine
  • 100 Grams Candied Fruit 3.53 oz


The Day Before:

  • Dissolve the fresh yeast in warm milk and let rest for 10 minutes.
  • Combine all ingredients except butter in a mixing bowl. Mix or knead until a soft dough forms. Let rest for 10 minutes.
  • Add butter and mix or knead until fully incorporated.
  • Form the dough into a ball and place in a covered bowl in the fridge overnight.

The Day of Baking:

  • Remove dough from the fridge and let it rest for 30 minutes.
  • Knead briefly, add the bean or figurine, and shape the dough into a large crown (similar to a big bagel).
  • Place on a baking tray. Brush the surface with cold milk, then sprinkle coarse sugar and decorate with candied fruit.
  • Let the dough proof at room temperature for 2 hours, avoiding exposure to drafts or cold air. Tip: Place in an unheated oven with a bowl of hot water for gentle warmth.


  • If using the hot water proofing technique, remove the bowl of water. Begin baking in a cold oven set to 160°C (325°F) for 20 minutes.
  • Increase the temperature to 180°C (350°F) and bake for an additional 20 minutes.
  • Remove from oven, let cool on a rack, and serve.


Serve with tea or coffee for a perfect pairing.
The unique cold oven baking method ensures an evenly baked, soft brioche.

How does the French Brioche des Rois stand up to the Spanish Roscon? Check out the Roscon recipe here and decide for yourself.

Join Chef Eric for a culinary adventure with Let’s Eat The World during our Let’s Eat Paris and Let’s Eat Uzès culinary holidays in France.

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